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Image by Noah Buscher


The Real You Toolkit

It’s time to accelerate
the creation of the life you desire.  
no one can do it but YOU. 

To help guide your personal journey of reflection and creation, we’re proud to offer you the AVVI Real You Toolkit. 

We’ve carefully chosen each tool, creating a highly curated collection from our vast library of coaching exercises. Refined over 24 years of executive coaching, our tools and exercises help you go deep fast, supporting meaningful personal growth and expansive thinking. 


For each topic you will have access to:

  • Short instructional videos with an introduction to the tool and tips for using the tool for “deep work fast”

  • Self-paced downloadable worksheets or writing prompts

  • Interesting content designed to help you explore and design your life (past, present or future)

Get Access to the entire toolkit

If you’re ready to take the mask off, acknowledge all parts of your true self and push forward into the life of your dreams, this toolkit was made for you. 


Only $198

That's a $400 savings!!!

You get ALL these tools!

Wheel of Life

Asset 12.png

The Wheel of Life Assessment is a powerful tool in helping you examine and visualize all the areas of your life. Through this exercise you have the chance to conduct a self-assessment, examining each aspect of your life and reflect on ways you can improve certain areas.

Exploring Beliefs

3. Exploring Beliefs.png

This “digging exercise” was designed to really get you thinking. As we grow up we receive “hand me down” beliefs and judgements by the adults in our lives. When undergoing this exercise, reflect and dig into your belief system, filter out your own beliefs versus those “hand me down” beliefs.


5. Personal SWOT.png

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is a fundamental piece of strategic planning. A personal SWOT of your work and life is important so you have a snapshot of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential treats. Just as it’s critical in the corporate world for businesses it’s equally so on a personal individual basis.

Top Values

2. Top Values.png

Our values are built throughout our lifetime; running alongside our own cognitive processing and egos results in us being unaware subconsciously the reason behind what we do and say sometimes. This tool was designed for you to dig deep and be honest with yourself. This exercise also may take you some time so feel free to revisit and complete over the course of a couple sessions. 


4 SMART Goals.png

The SMART Goals exercise was originally designed for strategic planning in a business environment, but you can use it for personal goal setting in all aspects of life. 

Internal Representational Systems

6. Internal Representational Systems

We all process information differently; however, the way we process is based on our senses: visually, auditorily, kinesthetics (smell, touch, whole experience) and auditory digital (processing information conceptually). This test helps you recognize not just how you, but also, those closest to you processes and take-in information.  

Understanding Who
you are

7. Understanding Who You Are

Understanding who you are is a structured deep dive to think about who you are at any moment in time. This writing prompt is designed to help you understand what journey you are one; What has happened in your life up until today? What do you feel good about? What do you wish was different? Who are you today? And how do you create the life you want moving forward and live a life authentic to you?

reveal your hearts wisdom

9. Reveal Your Hearts Wisdom

Writing allows you to open your heart and mind and clarify for yourself how you actually feel.  Our wisdom and true feelings come from the heart and not our head. This exercise teaches you how to interpret the wisdom of your heart so that you can live a more authentic version of your life.

Comfort Zones

11. Comfort Zones

It’s important for you to get an intimate, clear understanding of your comfort zones and what’s outside it. This tool will help you to figure out what’s in and out of your comfort zone; but more importantly what aspects outside of your comfort zone intrigue you to explore.

emotional life map

8. Emotional Life Map

The emotional life map exercise will teach you how to map out your EQ by getting to know your emotions while thinking about now and not about past events. It will allow you to assess and recognize the emotions that are predominant in your life; and how to take action to create the space in your current and future life that will give you more of the emotions you desire.

Personal Feedback Assessment

10. Personal Feedback Assessment

Many of us will receive feedback and ruminate about it for a while. This tool was built to help structure your thinking and not swirl through unnecessary emotions.

What can i change?

12. What Can I Change?

To make the change you want; it is important to know what you can and can’t change as we think the of shifts in our life and to be realistic with ourselves of what we do and don’t have control of. Many of us may become overwhelmed with the steps to make the change and don’t follow through. With this tool you will learn how to ground yourself in the now and think about what you want to change and what you can control to make it happen.



It is common for us as we grow up to want to please others in the way we do things or how we look, and we hide our true selves. The WYSIWYG tool is designed to get you to know yourself without feeling the need to judge or reject those pieces of your authentic self.

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